hibernate - Hibenate criteria API with "in clause" -

i have native sql, want move hibenate's criteria api,

here is:

select * hv_lma_vi t0 t0.hv_id in               (select t2.hv_id                z_lszerg_hv t4,                     z_lsz_erg t3,                     herstellungsvariante t2                ((t3.lsz_id = 204)                       , ((t4.hv_id = t2.hv_id)                       , ((t3.erg_id = t4.erg_id)                       , (t3.lsz_id = t4.lsz_id))))); 

all needed entites (hv_lma_vi, z_lszerg_hv, z_lsz_erg,) exist.

from can understand of query, close to:

detachedcriteria detachedcriteria = detachedcriteria.forclass(herstellungsvariante.class)     .createalias("propertytot3", "t3")     .createalias("t3.propertytot4", "t4")     .add(restrictions.eq("t3.lsz_id", 204))     .setprojection(projections.property("hv_id")); session.createcriteria(hv_lma_vi.class)     .add(property.forname("hv_id").in(detachedcriteria))     .list(); 


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