java - Hot to show only two digits after decimal using double -

i use:


price double. works when have retrieve value textview , convert double following error:

java.lang.numberformatexception: invalid double: "1,2"

is there way same thing , avoid error?

here code complete:

double prezzodouble = double.parsedouble(this.prezzo); prezzotextview.settext(string.format("%.2f", prezzodouble));  quantitasceltaedittext.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() {      string prezzounitario=prezzo;      public void aftertextchanged(editable s) {          int quantitasceltaint = integer.parseint(quantitasceltaedittext.gettext().tostring());          if(quantitasceltaint>=1) {             string prezzototale = string.valueof(string.format ("%.2f", (calcoloprezzototale())));             prezzotextview.settext(prezzototale);         }         else         {             prezzotextview.settext(prezzounitario);         }     }      public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int count, int after) {     }      public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int before, int count) {     }      private double calcoloprezzototale()     {         double prezzonum=double.parsedouble(prezzotextview.gettext().tostring()); ///////////         double prezzototale=0;          int quantitasceltanum = integer.parseint(quantitasceltaedittext.gettext().tostring());          prezzototale = prezzonum * quantitasceltanum;          return prezzototale;     } }); 

it looks double assigned in line

prezzototale = string.valueof(string.format ("%.2f", (calcoloprezzototale()))); 

contains comma (,, i.e. 1,2) due locale settings. take care parsing happens same locale.

class numberformat helps out:

numberformat format = numberformat.getinstance(locale.france); number number = format.parse("1,234"); double d = number.doublevalue(); 

looking @ code locale.italy ;) check full locale list here.

p.s.: string.format() uses locale.getdefault(); per documentation. use logcat check value, if not sure system setting or use alternative method public static string format(locale l, string format, object... args) allows specify locale.


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