unity3d - Google cardboard for unity disables AA on android device -

i'm developing simple vr app android using google cardboard sdk unity. i'm using unity 5(free), , latest version cardboard package unity(0.4.9), testing on sony xperia z3 compact(lolipop) , on samsung galaxy note 3(kitkat)

the issue i'm having is, can't turn on anti-aliasing, or rather google sdk package, seems disable it. dont mind little jagged corners, thing corners flickering when far away enough. tried moving textures apart(since flickering result of overlapping), issue still persists.

it can't issue unity exporting android, since if build same project(test example provided inside google cardboard unity package) using stock camera provided unity, insted of cardboard main gameobject), aa working. cant simpler that, once cube , 1 camera... have tried turning on , off 32-bit display buffer option in player settings, tried forcing open gl es 2.0 , various other tick/untick checkbox inside unity tips found across web, no success.

so question is, else having same issue. , how fix it?

i hope question , description of problem detailed enough.


the cardboard.cs class holds rendertexture cameras render to, , rerendered phone screen distortion correction lenses. bypasses unity's normal rendering screen, aa settings project won't have effect.

to see effect aa settings in unity have, can couple of different things:

  1. turn off cardboard.sdk.nativedistortioncorrection, unity drawing directly screen, or
  2. edit cardboard.createstereoscreen() , change settings on rendertexture allocated there.

however, native code rerender distortion not use anti-aliasing in framebuffer, i'm not sure how effect you'll see in #2. , there performance penalty either way.


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