c# - WWW class does not work in unity -
first of all, i'm new unity , i'm developing in new unity 5.0.0. i´ve been looking @ www class in unity documentation , followed through , haven't gotten work yet. have looked in other questions , googled lot , couldn't work. code got in apimanager:
using unityengine; using system.collections; public class apimanager : monobehaviour { public string url = "url"; public string temp; public void start(){ www w = new www (url); startcoroutine (waitforrequest (w)); } ienumerator waitforrequest(www w){ yield return w; temp = w.text.tostring (); } public string gettemp(){ return temp; } }
and in main file want call string gettemp method , show data in label doesn't work. nothing shows , i'm struggling figure out. (i'm trying show data in label text (string).)
public class main : monobehaviour { apimanager myapimanager = new apimanager(); void ongui() { gui.label(screenposition(0, 500, 300,300), myapimanager.gettemp()); } }
can please provide me information on how should work or if have missed something? thanks.
the issue creating www object outside of coroutine method. move within waitforrequest:
using unityengine; using system.collections; public class apimanager : monobehaviour { public string url = "url"; public string temp; public void start(){ startcoroutine (waitforrequest (w)); } ienumerator waitforrequest(){ www w = new www (url); yield return w; temp = w.text.tostring (); } public string gettemp(){ return temp; } }
also should not creating monobehavior object within main monobehavior. instead define public property , assign within editor (you can use findobjectoftype @ runtime):
public class main : monobehaviour { public apimanager myapimanager; void ongui() { gui.label(screenposition(0, 500, 300,300), myapimanager.gettemp()); } }
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