c# - NancyFX + SSL - how to make "this.RequireHttps()" work on Linux? -

my self-hosted* nancyfx application use ssl, , use "this.requireshttps()" mark modules "ssl only". on windows followed tutorial:



netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=303b4adb5aeb17eeac00d8576693a908c01e0b71 appid={00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff} clientcertnegotiation=enable 

i used following code:

public static void main(string[] args) {     list<uri> uri2 = new list<uri>();     uri2.add(new uri("http://localhost:80"));     uri2.add(new uri("https://localhost:1234"));      hostconfiguration hc = new hostconfiguration()     {         enableclientcertificates = true     };      using (var host = new nancyhost(hc,uri2.toarray()))     {         host.start();          string runningon = "\n\n";         foreach(var item in uri2)         {             runningon += item+"\n";         }          console.writeline("your application running on " + runningon/*uri2.first()*/);         console.writeline("press [enter] close host.");         console.readline();     } } 

and works great - unencrypted data can accessed on port 80 , ssl works on port 1234.

problem - same on linux host, can't seem find command equivalent windows "netsh".

right ended using nginx provide ssl, following tutorial:


then modifying nginx config following (don't mind paths, development virtual machine):

server {     listen       80;     listen       443 ssl;     ssl_certificate    /home/james/sslcert2/server.crt;     ssl_certificate_key /home/james/sslcert2/server.key;       server_name  localhost;     root /home/james/nancywebpageroot/nancywebpage.dpl.services/bin/debug/;      location /content/ {         alias /home/james/nancywebpageroot/nancywebpage.dpl.services/bin/debug/content/;         location ~*  \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js|ttf)$ {             expires 365d;         }     }      location / {             proxy_pass;     }        } 

and modifying nancy code listen on port 8080.

while above works (nginx managing ssl connections , redirecting requests nancy @ port 8080), makes "this.requireshttps()" worthless - when use this:

this.requireshttps(true, 443) 

chrome reports err_too_many_redirects.

so question - how to/is possible configure nancy on linux make "this.requireshttps()" ?

also nancy team, explain bit more "enableclientcertificates" host configuration option does? require enable ssl? documentation rather scarce...

thanks in advance.

*while started project self-hosted, can modified use nginx or other hosting form if necessary.

combining: nancy team, other resources , empty head managed solve this.

first - error err_too_many_redirects logical consequence of nginx configuration first post - when user tried access ssl protected resource, nancy redirected him port 443 correct behavior, nginx got request on port, established ssl connection... , send nancy @ port 8080. since nginx talking nancy on unsecured connection ( nancy had no way of knowing ssl being used, again redirected request port 443, nginx again picked up, established ssl , send - here our endless loop. on windos worked, because there application had direct access both http , https endpoints, , managing them both.

the fix rather simple (although took me time find it) , involves 2 steps:

  1. add following line requeststartup method in nancy bootstrapper:

    sslproxy.rewriteschemeusingforwardedheaders (pipelines);

this make nancy listen x-forwarded-proto header - when it's there - method will override request url scheme https - the:


will detect request ssl enabled.

  1. configure nginx (still - don't mind paths - development machine):

    server { listen 80;

    server_name  localhost; root /home/james/nancywebpageroot/nancywebpage.dpl.services/bin/debug/;  location /content/ {     alias /home/james/nancywebpageroot/nancywebpage.dpl.services/bin/debug/content/;     location ~*  \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js|ttf)$ {         expires 365d;     } }  location / { proxy_pass; }     


    server { listen 443 ssl; ssl_certificate /home/james/sslcert2/server.crt; ssl_certificate_key /home/james/sslcert2/server.key;

    server_name  localhost; root /home/james/nancywebpageroot/nancywebpage.dpl.services/bin/debug/;  location /content/ {     alias /home/james/nancywebpageroot/nancywebpage.dpl.services/bin/debug/content/;     location ~*  \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js|ttf)$ {         expires 365d;     } }  location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header host $host; proxy_set_header x-real-ip $remote_addr; proxy_set_header x-forwarded-for $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header x-forwarded-proto $scheme; }     


note: i'm not experienced nginx - while above seem work, there may errors (if sees - please point them out) or better way - have been warned :)

so happening here? "normal" request hit port 80 , redirected nancy standard path, when nginx request on port 443, include x-forwarded-for header, nancy detect , it won't redirect anymore - should be.

i hope helps someone.

best regards.


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