Count occurrences of array elements with JavaScript -

this question has answer here:

i have javascript array length 129.

var fullnames = [karri, ismo, grigori, ahmed, roope, arto .....] 

i find how many times names appeared in array , store information in array this:

var counter = [2, 5, 7, ..] 

where karri occured in fullnames array 2 times, ismo occured 5 times etc. ideas how it?

i assuming fullnames array of strings. if so, can so:

var occurences = { }; (var = 0; < fullnames.length; i++) {     if (typeof occurences[fullnames[i]] == "undefined") {         occurences[fullnames[i]] = 1;     } else {         occurences[fullnames[i]]++;     } }  console.log(occurences); // prints out like: {"karri": 2, "ismo": 5, ...} 


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