datatable - Matlab struct computations -

i download data yahoo! finance with:

data = getyahoodailydata({'msft', 'axp'},'01/01/2000', '01/01/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy'); 

and data stored 1x1 struct. want create tx2 matrix of daily adjusted closing prices msft , axp, column 7 in each table in struct.

how can that?

or better: there way make computations directly on information/prices in struct?

you can access data in struct name.

vecmsftadj = data.msft.adjclose; vecaxpadj  = data.axp.adjclose;  % if want n x 2 matrix madjclose = [vecmsftadj, vecaxpadj];  % personnaly prefer working table tadjclose = table; tadjclose.msftadj = vecmsftadj; tadjclose.axpadj  = vecaxpadj; 


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