matlab - Most efficient way to store numbers as strings inside a table -

i want store efficiently numbers strings (with different lengths) table. code:

% table numbers n = 5; m = 5; t_numb = array2table((rand(n,m)));  % create table empty cells (to store strings) t_string = array2table(cell(n,m));  = 1:height(t_numb)    ii = 1:width(t_numb)       t_string{i,ii} = cellstr(num2str(t_numb{i,ii}, '%.2f'));    end end 

what improve it? thank you.

i don't have access function cell2table right now, using undocumented function sprintfc might work here (check here details).

for instance:

%// 2d array = magic(5)  b = sprintfc('%0.2f',a) 

generates cell array this:

b =       '17.00'    '24.00'    '1.00'     '8.00'     '15.00'     '23.00'    '5.00'     '7.00'     '14.00'    '16.00'     '4.00'     '6.00'     '13.00'    '20.00'    '22.00'     '10.00'    '12.00'    '19.00'    '21.00'    '3.00'      '11.00'    '18.00'    '25.00'    '2.00'     '9.00'  

which can convert table using cell2table.

so in 1 line:

yourtable = cell2table(sprintfc('%0.2f',a)) 


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