selenium - Should I be using @Before @After annotations with TestNG? Webdriver -

my question far framework goes should using such testng annotations @beforemethod @beforetest @aftertest? or have code in each class?

for example why call firefox driver these @before annotations? can understand can reuse code , call chrome driver example, of time running same tests on chrome or other browsers require modifications pass, , can copy whole code anyway.

so wouldn't make sense have code or call code directly class using @test?

also, @aftertest why call teardown there? when can call in every class?

are there advantages/disadvantages of using these annotations instead of writing code directly in class?

for example, have file runs tests:

package firefox;  import org.testng.annotations.test;  public class testgroup { //////////////////////////////////////////////////     @test(priority=1)     public void sessiontasks() {     session_tasks call = new session_tasks();     call.sessiontasks();     }   ////////////////////////////////////////////////         @test(priority=2)     public void signup () {     signup call = new signup();     call.signup();     } //////////////////////////////////////////////////     @test(priority=3)     public void signup_postq() {     signup_postqs call = new signup_postqs();     call.signup_postq();     } //////////////////////////////////////////////////     @test(priority=4)     public void sign_in() {     signin call = new signin();     call.signin();     } //////////////////////////////////////////////////     @test(priority=5)     public void sign_in_postq() {     signin_postqs call = new signin_postqs();     call.signin_postq();     } //////////////////////////////////////////////////     @test(priority=6)     public void sessionconnect() {     session_connect call = new session_connect();     call.sessionconnect();     } //////////////////////////////////////////////////     @test(priority=7)     public void tutormenu() {     tutor_menu call = new tutor_menu();     call.tutor_menu(); }  } 

all actions contained in each class, opening specific browser, navigating url, , @ end of test closing browser. why want use of @before,@after annotations, opposed having contained in each class?

freedom of using @before or @after or other annotations in test code goes tester.

  • the basic reason using annotations in test code makes code easy-to-read , easy-to-understand other testers.provides clean code.
  • using annotations @before,@after,@beforeclass or many others helps reduce work , time write repetitive codes again , again. smart way repeat same actions in test execution without writing again.
  • test cases can grouped more easily resulting efficient parallel testing.
  • very efficient use of such annotations in test suites. in
    test-suites experiences dependencies. dependencies
    between various test-cases written pre-conditons and
    . these pre-condictions , post-conditions can
    handle , efficently using such annotations.

though not rule of thumb using such annotations, using them when required in test code observed practice. hope solves confusion or question using annotations frameworks.


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