Spring Security + AngularJS + Permissions: disabling all pages for non authenticated users other than login -

i want users have login before seeing other pages. if try access other page, have login first.

i tried using following, keeps giving me http status 401 - access denied error.

http.csrf().disable().exceptionhandling()                 .authenticationentrypoint(unauthorizedhandler).and()                 .formlogin().loginpage("/login").successhandler(authsuccess)                 .failurehandler(authfailure).and().authorizerequests()                 .antmatchers("/login", "/#/login", "/login.html", "/login.jsp", "login", "/login")                 .permitall().anyrequest().authenticated(); 

since using angularjs, might have that. still tried add /#/login part, still without result.

you can achieve using routing. have @ below code.

app.run(function($rootscope, $location,cachelogout) {  // register listener watch route changes $rootscope.$on("$routechangestart", function(event, next, current) {     if ($rootscope.loggeduser == null) {          // no logged user, should going #login         if (next.templateurl == "login.html") {             // going #login, no redirect needed         } else {             // not going #login, should redirect             $location.path("/login");         }     }     }); }); 

this borrowed redirecting route based on condition. using redirecting login page if user not logged in. $rootscope.loggeduser value set once user logged in.


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