amazon web services - Chef12 Management Console not showing up on Ubuntu 14.04 -

i have aws instance (ubuntu 14.04) have installed chef server 12 using following commands:

sudo wget sudo dpkg -i chef-server-core_12.0.7-1_amd64.deb sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure sudo chef-server-ctl test sudo chef-server-ctl user-create user1 user1 user1pwd --filename /home/maverick09/user1.pem sudo chef-server-ctl org-create chef software, inc. --association_user user1 --filename /home/maverick09/chef-validator.pem sudo chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure 

when execute these commands on personal ubuntu machine, works fine , able launch chef server web ui , can see organization , user. so, works expected.

but, when try exact same commands on aws instance, getting following message:

chef server api  main endpoint of chef api's. in general, none of these have html representations, , vast majority of them require sending authenticated requests. while it's neat came visit, won't find looking here.  can manage organization's infrastructure interactively using chef management console 

and not options sign in etc...

my personal ubuntu , aws instance have same os major version installed (14.04.2 on personal ubuntu machine , 14.04.1 on aws instance) :

name="ubuntu" version="14.04.2 lts, trusty tahr" id=ubuntu id_like=debian pretty_name="ubuntu 14.04.2 lts" version_id="14.04" home_url="" support_url="" bug_report_url="" 

the contents of /etc/hosts similar to:    localhost  ###  have not touched below lines ,  ### . . # following lines desirable ipv6 capable hosts . . . 

the contents of /etc/hostname file follows: 

i have checked whether services running or not following command:

chef-server-ctl status    run: bookshelf: (pid 965) 65477s; run: log: (pid 963) 65477s    run: nginx: (pid 3076) 65048s; run: log: (pid 974) 65477s    run: oc_bifrost: (pid 962) 65477s; run: log: (pid 957) 65477s    run: oc_id: (pid 956) 65477s; run: log: (pid 950) 65477s    run: opscode-erchef: (pid 2996) 65050s; run: log: (pid 975) 65477s    run: opscode-expander: (pid 964) 65477s; run: log: (pid 951) 65477s    run: opscode-expander-reindexer: (pid 961) 65477s; run: log: (pid 960) 65477s    run: opscode-solr4: (pid969) 65477s; run: log: (pid 968) 65477s    run: postgresql: (pid 967) 65477s; run: log: (pid 953) 65477s    run: rabbitmq: (pid 955) 65477s; run: log: (pid 952) 65477s    run: redis_lb: (pid 2979) 65051s; run: log: (pid 958) 65477s 

since able launch chef server webui using ip, me, looks there trivial issue due not able launch management console after installation cli.

does specific service need started? or change made in settings file missing?

i not sure issue, kindly help...


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