Delphi - tfilestream: write time and date to file -

i trying save line each event containing piece of text , time + date when happened.

the problem is:

  1. time shown chinese font
  2. it replaces same line on , on again

here code:

    uses sysutils, classes;  function log: boolean; var   fs: tfilestream;   : string;   time : tdatetime;  begin   := 'boss dead!';   time := now;   try     fs := tfilestream.create('log.txt', fmcreate or fmopenwrite);     fs.write(pchar(i +timetostr(time))^, length(i +timetostr(time)));     fs.write(i, sizeof(i));;    end;  end; 

thank you.

usually when expect latin text, see chinese text, means interpreting ansi text though utf-16. infer intending write out utf-16 text, writing out ansi text. means have pre-unicode delphi.

as far why keep overwriting file, that's because pass fmcreate. want open existing file in write mode, or if no file exists, create new file. win32 api function supports open_always creation disposition. not available through tfilestream.create. have use thandlestream , call createfile directly. note newer versions of delphi introduce exposes open_always functionality. reasoning says using delphi old.

assuming can use thandlestream, , call createfile correctly, need write out utf-16 text. simplest way use widestring. might write code this:

var   ws: widestring; ...., sofromend); ws := timetostr(now) + slinebreak; stream.writebuffer(pwidechar(ws)^, sizeof(widechar)*length(ws)); 

on other hand, perhaps chinese comes here:

fs.write(i, sizeof(i)); 

this code writes pointer file. sure don't want , should remove line. sake of completeness, if have unicode delphi, write text in quite similar way. this:

var   s: string; ...., sofromend); s := timetostr(now) + slinebreak; stream.writebuffer(pwidechar(s)^, sizeof(widechar)*length(s)); 

going appending stream, run this:

var   hfile: thandle; .... hfile := createfile(   pchar(logfilename),   generic_write,   file_share_read,   nil,   open_always,   file_attribute_normal,   0 ); win32check(hfile<>invalid_handle_value); try   stream := thandlestream.create(hfile);   try     .... code write stream goes here;   end;   closehandle(hfile); end; 

finally, have had make lot of guesses environment in answer. in future, include delphi version use. , include clear statement of goals.


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