ruby - How to put space between flows, I'm using shoes gui toolkit -

i'm new programmer, , know ruby programming language. asked make interactive interface still struggling layout. of aesthetic reasons want add space between boxes inside flow blue border.

here code far "bullying app", width: 1250, height: 840)  #header     flow width: 1.0, height: 0.3     title 'bullying app'     background rgb(119,136,153)     border pink     end      #dropdown menu child     stack margin: 20     para 'which child'     list_box items: ["child 1", "child 2", "child 3"]     end       # tabs buttons     flow margin_left: 800     button 'summary'     button 'web'     button 'time'     button 'social media'     button 'alerts'     border red     end  flow margin: 10  flow width: 1.0, height: 0.4  border blue   #first square "most recent sites"  flow width: 0.2, height: 0.99  flow margin_left: 400     background white  border darkorange,strokewidth:2  para strong "most recent websites visited"   stack margin:10  para "1."  para "2."  para "3."  para "4."  para "5."  para "6."  end  end    flow width:0.5, height: 0.99  border green  flow  width: 1.0, height:0.6  border yellow    flow width: 0.5, height: 0.99  background white  border darkorange,strokewidth: 2  para strong  "time"    end   flow width: 0.5, height: 0.99  background white  border darkorange, strokewidth:2  para strong "social media:recent"  end  end   flow width: 1.0, height: 0.4  background white  para strong 'recent searches'  border purple  end  end flow width: 0.2, height:0.99  background white  border darkorange  para strong 'alerts'  end end end 

i know it's bit messy, sorry. , appreciated, thank you

not 100% sure want put space, in general margin looking for. e.g. adding margin_left: 10 or flows want have further spacing. there margin_left, margin_top, margin_right , margin_bottom.

other options include adding empty flow/stack give other flows space.

i added margin_lefts in code , reformatted it, here go: "bullying app", width: 1250, height: 840)   #header   flow width: 1.0, height: 0.3     title 'bullying app'     background rgb(119,136,153)     border pink   end    #dropdown menu child   stack margin: 20     para 'which child'     list_box items: ["child 1", "child 2", "child 3"]   end     # tabs buttons   flow margin_left: 800     button 'summary'     button 'web'     button 'time'     button 'social media'     button 'alerts'     border red   end    flow margin: 10   flow width: 1.0, height: 0.4     border blue      #first square "most recent sites"     flow width: 0.2, height: 0.99       flow margin_left: 400       background white       border darkorange,strokewidth:2       para strong "most recent websites visited"       stack margin:10         para "1."         para "2."         para "3."         para "4."         para "5."         para "6."       end     end       flow width:0.5, height: 0.99       border green       flow  width: 1.0, height:0.6         border yellow          flow width: 0.5, height: 0.99, margin_left: 10           background white           border darkorange,strokewidth: 2           para strong  "time"         end          flow width: 0.5, height: 0.99, margin_left: 10           background white           border darkorange, strokewidth:2           para strong "social media:recent"         end       end        flow width: 1.0, height: 0.4         background white         para strong 'recent searches'         border purple       end     end     flow width: 0.2, height:0.99, margin_left: 10       background white       border darkorange       para strong 'alerts'     end   end end 

shoes on!


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