Soundcloud python OAuth error -

this should simple python app uses oauth authenticate soundclodu api. follows closely code official library:

when load app, sent soundcloud login page, re-directs me /user code query string.

however, fails @ part attempt obtain access token,etc...

this error get:

 file "/users/asselinpaul/dropbox/upenn/spring15/cis192/final_project/", line 19, in user             code = request.args.get('code'))  typeerror: 'resource' object not iterable     

i'm pretty sure means client.exchange_token returning 401 error (this happens when try print client.exchange_token(code = request.args.get('code')).


    import soundcloud     flask import flask, redirect, request      app = flask(__name__)      client = soundcloud.client(             client_id="*****************************",             client_secret="*****************************",             redirect_uri=''         )      @app.route('/')     def hello_world():         return redirect(client.authorize_url())      @app.route('/user')     def user():         access_token, expires, scope, refresh_token = client.exchange_token(             code = request.args.get('code'))         return ("hi there, %s" % client.get('/me').username)       if __name__ == '__main__': 

i have similar application (exactly same, basically) , when run error says:

attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'args' 

as far can tell, because in soundcloud module uses urllib issue python 2.x versus python 3.x. using python 3 don't think can use urllib. i'd love have better answer or real solution, i've gathered.


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