javascript - PascalPrecht angular-translate useUrlLoader -
i'm new both programming , angular. need use angular-translate its' useurlloader, since translations stored in database. $translateprovider.useurlloader('foo/bar.json'); $translateprovider.preferredlanguage('en');
while using staticfilesloader seems enough simple me, since need 2 separate json files translation data, can't useurlloader expects. far understand, expects json includes multiply language translations (both english , german example). can't find example of such file anywhere.
the staticfilesloader expects store translations different languages in separate files on server. makes requests this:
/your/server/i18n/locale-en.json /your/server/i18n/locale-de.json /your/server/i18n/locale-fr.json
where /your/server/i18n/locale-
, .json
prefix , suffix (respectively) you've passed during configuration.
the urlloader expects have 1 "clever" endpoint instead of bunch of files. makes requests this:
/your/server/i18n/locale-endpoint?lang=en /your/server/i18n/locale-endpoint?lang=de /your/server/i18n/locale-endpoint?lang=fr
where /your/server/i18n/locale-endpoint
, lang
url , queryparameter (respectively) you've passed during configuration. url required, queryparameter may omitted (defaults "lang").
you can setup urlloader either this:
$translateprovider.useurlloader('/path/to/your/endpoint', { queryparameter : 'localekey' });
or this:
$translateprovider.useloader('$translateurlloader', { url : '/path/to/your/endpoint', queryparameter : 'localekey' });
both loaders expect load translation json object. this:
{ "translationid" : "translation id", "anothertranslationid": "another translation id" }
you can find more information different loaders in the official guide.
a source code of urlloader can found in the angular-translate repository.
hope, helps.
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