excel - Macro to pull data from closed workbook to another workbook -

i writing macro following:

every time open workbook, pull data closed workbook on computer , copy data sheet titled "availability" starting in cell a1.

currently, happens "true" put cell a1 on availability sheet.

please help.

sub openworkbooktopulldata()      dim sht worksheet     dim lastrow long     lastrow = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count     set sht = thisworkbook.worksheets(sheet1.name)     dim path string     path = "c:\users\" & environ$("username") & _     "\desktop\rc switch project\daily automation _     availability report.xlsx"      dim currentwb workbook     set currentwb = thisworkbook      dim openwb workbook     set openwb = workbooks.open(path)      dim openws worksheet     set openws = openwb.sheets("automation data")      currentwb.sheets("availability").range("a1") _     = openws.range("a5:k" & lastrow).select     openwb.close (false)  end sub 

as @greg mentioned, .select not needed. once removed though, have new problem 2 ranges not same size. range("a1") 1 cell while other range @ least 11. current vba overwrite values in range called for, a1 here.

to around there 2 approaches work well.


resize left hand side same size right hand side.

sub openworkbooktopulldata()      dim sht worksheet     dim lastrow long     lastrow = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count     set sht = thisworkbook.worksheets(sheet1.name)     dim path string     path = "c:\users\" & environ$("username") & _     "\desktop\rc switch project\daily automation availability report.xlsx"      dim currentwb workbook     set currentwb = thisworkbook      dim openwb workbook     set openwb = workbooks.open(path)      dim openws worksheet     set openws = openwb.sheets("automation data")      dim rng_data range     set rng_data = openws.range("a5:k" & lastrow)      currentwb.sheets("availability").range("a1").resize( _         rng_data.rows.count, rng_data.columns.count).value = rng_data.value      openwb.close (false)  end sub 


actually copy , pastespecial.

sub openworkbooktopulldata()      dim sht worksheet     dim lastrow long     lastrow = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count     set sht = thisworkbook.worksheets(sheet1.name)     dim path string     path = "c:\users\" & environ$("username") & _     "\desktop\rc switch project\daily automation availability report.xlsx"      dim currentwb workbook     set currentwb = thisworkbook      dim openwb workbook     set openwb = workbooks.open(path)      dim openws worksheet     set openws = openwb.sheets("automation data")      dim rng_data range     set rng_data = openws.range("a5:k" & lastrow)      rng_data.copy     currentwb.sheets("availability").range("a1").pastespecial xlpastevalues      openwb.close (false)  end sub 

since looks going values anyways, use copy/pastespecial route clarity in code.


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