javascript - Regex infinite backtracking in Eloquent JS -

why parser jump straight b after comes out of braces, according excerpt, instead of visiting + operator first?

"for example, if confused while writing binary-number regular expression, might accidentally write /([01]+)+b/."

enter image description here

"if tries match long series of zeros , ones no trailing b character, matcher first go through inner loop until runs out of digits. notices there no b, backtracks 1 position, goes through outer loop once, , gives again, trying backtrack out of inner loop once more. continue try every possible route through these 2 loops. means amount of work doubles each additional character. few dozen characters, resulting match take practically forever."


you correct, repetion first. text bit misleading, omits part jump outer loop, first retry of outer loop before attempting match b.

so happens step-by-step? let's first match /([01]+)+b/ against "01b":

  1. the first term ([01]+)+ matched against 01b.
    1. this matches inner term ([01]+) against 01b , (we ignore capture group)
      1. matches [01] against 01b, succeeds.
      2. it goes on match [01] again, on 1b, again succeeds.
      3. it goes on match [01] again, on b, fails. backtracks , continues b.
    2. after ([01]+) suceeded against 01, goes on match ([01]+) again, on b.
      1. which matches [01] against b, fails. backtracks , continues b.
  2. after ([01]+)+ succeeded against 01, matches second term b against b. succeeds.
  3. it reaches end of regex, , returns match.

ok far? we've seen 2 times backtracking here, each + repetion failed make round.

let's match /([01]+)+b/ against "01":

  1. the first term ([01]+)+ matched against 01.
    1. this matches inner term ([01]+) against 01 , (we ignore capture group)
      1. matches [01] against 01, succeeds.
      2. it goes on match [01] again, on 1, again succeeds.
      3. it goes on match [01] again, on empty string, fails. reports back.
    2. after ([01]+) suceeded against 01, goes on match ([01]+) again, on empty string.
      1. which tries match [01], fails , reports back.
  2. after ([01]+)+ succeeded against 01, matches second term b against empty string. fails. it backtracks outer loop.
  3. the outer loop backtracks inner loop.
    1. the inner loop innermost, , have matched more items minimum requires accepts give last one. we're @ having matched ([01]+) against 0 only, continue on 1.
    2. the outer loop matches inner term ([01]+) - second time - against 1 ,
      1. matches [01] against 1, suceedds.
      2. it goes on match [01] again, on empty string, fails. reports back.
    3. after ([01]+){2} suceeded against 01, goes on match ([01]+) again, on empty string.
      1. which tries match [01], fails , reports back.
  4. after ([01]+)+ succeeded against 01, matches second term b against empty string. fails. it backtracks outer loop.
  5. the outer loop backtracks latter match of inner loop
    1. which has reached minimum of matches , fails give them up.
  6. the outer loop gives second match. we're @ matching b against 1.
    1. which fails, , backtracks.
  7. the outer loop backtracks first match of inner loop
    1. which has reached minimum of matches well, , fails give them up.
  8. the outer loop fails give minimum of 1 match.
  9. the b not matched anywhere, match fails.


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