vba - Create power point using excel macro -

i have interesting problem unsure of. have not worked power point , have little excel macro experience. have found many similar issues mine none of them quite fit bill. helping local charity fund raiser , need way make triva sort of game. game displayed powerpoint, , questions, choices, , answers in excel sheet. way laid our 1 question per row, , columns are: question, options, answers , category.

i have managed category sorting quite easy enough, need somehow work creating power point slides in such way question title, options being content, , following slide answer question. therefore each question creates 2 slides, question , answer slide.

example row (| denote column):

which of these italian sculptor? | michelangelo, tintoretto, da vinci, galilleo | michelangelo | art

so result side title "which of these italian sculptor?" , content a) michelangelo, b) tintoretto, c) da vinci, d) galilleo

the following slide being "michelangelo"

i managed figure out coding myself in excel macro. it's not best solution, easy follow , can modified same issue. fyi asker of question, computer in serious need of reimage , can't log in stack overflow...o well. here code solved problem. please note of question sorted category prior changed start , end loop control variables make new ppts after saving , closing created ones. following code may contain code borrowed other stack overflow questions , repurposed:

sub createpowerpointquestions()   'add reference microsoft powerpoint library by: '1. go tools in vba menu '2. click on reference '3. scroll down microsoft powerpoint x.0 object library, check box, , press okay  'first declare variables using     dim newpowerpoint powerpoint.application     dim activeslide powerpoint.slide     dim question string     dim options string 'comma separated list of options     dim choices() string 'split options printing     dim printoptions string 'string print in contents of slide     dim answer string     dim limit integer 'set question amount:     limit = 5  'look existing instance     on error resume next     set newpowerpoint = getobject(, "powerpoint.application")     on error goto 0  'let's create new powerpoint     if newpowerpoint nothing         set newpowerpoint = new powerpoint.application     end if 'make presentation in powerpoint     if newpowerpoint.presentations.count = 0         newpowerpoint.presentations.add     end if  'show powerpoint     newpowerpoint.visible = true 'select worksheet , cells activate     worksheets("sheet1").activate  'loop through each question     = 1 limit      'add new slide paste question , options:         newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.add newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.count + 1, pplayouttext         newpowerpoint.activewindow.view.gotoslide newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.count         set activeslide = newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides(newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.count)      'set variables cells         question = activesheet.cells(i, 1).value         options = activesheet.cells(i, 2).value         answer = activesheet.cells(i, 3).value      'split options choices a,b,c,d based on comma separation         choices() = split(options, ", ")     'formate printoptions paste content         printoptions = "a) " & choices(0) & vbnewline & "b) " & choices(1) & vbnewline & "c) " & choices(2) & vbnewline & "d) " & choices(3)         activeslide.shapes(2).textframe.textrange.text = printoptions      'set title of slide same question options         activeslide.shapes(1).textframe.textrange.text = question      'add answer slide , select         newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.add newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.count + 1, pplayouttext         newpowerpoint.activewindow.view.gotoslide newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.count         set activeslide = newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides(newpowerpoint.activepresentation.slides.count)     'set title:         activeslide.shapes(1).textframe.textrange.text = "answer:"     'set contents answer:         activeslide.shapes(2).textframe.textrange.text = answer     'finished row (question)     next  appactivate ("microsoft powerpoint") set activeslide = nothing set newpowerpoint = nothing  end sub 


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