javascript - How to Customize jCountdown timer which is using css sprite resources to become auto Responsive? -
the jcountdown plugin has effect.
however inspecting resources, seems plugin using css sprite animation achieve effect. wondering how difficult make become responsive/albe view without seeing horizontal overflow-x scroll bar on small dimensions < 485px.
i'll using "slide" effect below img slide_black skin. maybe can share tips on customizing script / css / or photoshop image create diff dimensions fit responsive.
using width option 1 option think pitfall result blur day/hour/min/sec label picture text
$("#timer").jcountdown({ timetext: tdate, timezone: 8, style: "slide", color: "black", width: 225, textgroupspace: 15, textspace: 0, reflection: !1, reflectionopacity: 10, reflectionblur: 0, daytextnumber: 2, displayday: !0, displayhour: !0, displayminute: !0, displaysecond: !0, displaylabel: !0, onfinish: function() {} });
you can playing transform:scale()
property, adding jquery find correct scale value , applying it. exemple :
var value = yourownratiocalculdependingonclosestresponsiveparent; $('.jcountdowncontainer').css({ "-moz-transform" : "scale("+value+")", "-webkit-transform" : "scale("+value+")", "-ms-transform" : "scale("+value+")", "-o-transform" : "scale("+value+")", "transform" : "scale("+value+")", });
as can see inspecting plugin, adding css scale .jcountdowncontainer
works fine (with chrome dev tool exemple).
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