networking - First time connecting of an interface-less device to a secured Wifi network -

thinking of dilema, , looking ideas or better, proven process following:

imaging have device has no interface small footprint server running on it. device meant collect , send data cloud.

  • to configure it, 1 need access server.

  • to access said server, device first need connected network.

with wired network interface, it's possible connect , access server configure wifi access , such, if device wifi only?

i'm guessing there ways auto-connect unsecured wifi network, connecting secured network poses problem.

any thoughts on proper way this? i'm thinking of approach tethering laptop or cellphone first connect, not sure how can implemented (on laptop or device)

thanks thoughts.

my solution has been set device in wifi ad-hoc mode (i.e. device can discovered device in ad-hoc mode) , run small web server scans wifi routers around select from, , ask user device input credentials, re-configure wifi credentials.


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