javascript - In angular, how to access object property via bracket notation inside templates? -

i'm creating custom directive show form errors (using ng-messages) in generic way. directive invoked via:

<show-errors form="login_form" field="email"></show-errors> ... <show-errors form="login_form" field="password"></show-errors> 

the directive declaration:

function showgenericerrors() {    return {      restrict: 'e',      templateurl: 'views/error.dir.tmpl.html',      replace: true,      scope: {        form: '@',        field: '@'      },      transclude: true,      link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {        scope.theform = scope.$parent[attrs.form];        transclude(scope, function (clone, scope) {          element.append(clone);        });      }    };  }

and it's template:

<div>    <!-- here can access form property via bracket notation -->    <!-- {{theform[field].$blurred }} -->      <!-- here cannot use same notation inside ng-if -->    <div class="error" ng-if="theform[field].$blurred" ng-messages="theform[field].$error" ng-messages-include="views/errors.html">    </div>  </div>

the template not work!

since, using directive on multiple forms & fields, how validate conditions in directive template. or there better way handle this?


the new directive:

function showerrors() {    return {      restrict: 'e',      templateurl: 'views/error.dir.tmpl.html',      replace: true,      scope: {        form: '@',        field: '@'      },      link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {        scope.theform = scope.$parent[attrs.form];        scope.formfield = scope.theform[attrs.field];      }    };  }

the new template:

<div>    <div class="error" ng-if="formfield.$blurred" ng-messages="formfield.$error" ng-messages-include="views/errors.html">    </div>  </div>


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