Rationale for breaking this answer into a function using Javascript -

so doing coderbyte problem earlier today , happy able break down , complete without looking @ answers else completed. however, after completing it, realized way did it, did not build functions. kept calling former variable. question really, necessary use function when answering problem? looking @ big picture, pro's of converting answer mine function ( or pair of functions)

i took number represented full minutes, , broke down hours , minutes. think should easy follow.

var num = 400; var hourdivide = ( num / 60 ); var digits = hourdivide.tostring().split(''); var hour = digits[0] var = 60 * digits[0] var minutes = num -  console.log( "you have  " + hour + " hours , " + minutes + " minutes left" )   

the rationale breaking code function reusability , composability.

let's @ how that code turned useful function

function minutestohours(num) {   var hourdivide = ( num / 60 );   var digits = hourdivide.tostring().split('');   var hour = digits[0]   var = 60 * digits[0]   var minutes = num - almost;    return [hour, minutes]; } 

this function returns array 2 values in, use in project wanted.

we might not want print same message, turning function allows control outside of actual logic (separation of concerns).

var time = minutestohours(404); console.log("you have", time[0], "hours and", time[1], " minutes left"); 

using function instead has allowed parameterize code, meaning same few lines of logic can used calculate results given input. particularly useful if start use loops in code.

for(var = 0; < 100; i++) {   console.log(minutestohours(i)); } 

the alternative have been far less succinct.

another benefit composability comes fact turning code functions form of standardisation. know array function. always have hours in position 0 , minutes in position 1.

we can use write other functions expect style output.

function printtime(time, divider) {   var hours = time[0],       minutes = time[1];    return [hours, divider, minutes].join(''); } 

now can things like:

var time = minutestohours(4041); printtime(time, ':'); // prints "67:21" 


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