x86 64 - Unable to install Maximo Fix Pack after install Maximo 7.5 DEMO -

i installed maximo 7.5 on windows server 2008 r2 64-bit defaults (websphere 7, db2, tivoli directory). i'm trying install fix pack error after ran install_win64.bat (run administrator). error occurs few steps after "database ready upgrade" checkbox.

ctgin2076e: exception running wasthingclient method task runconfigurationstep.

the ccmd_install.log said:

fndupgradepanelactionshandleinstall: getting thin client config task object fndupgradepanelactionshandleinstall: running thin client config task fndupgradepanelactionshandleinstall: returned running thin client config task fndupgradepanelactionshandleinstall: got task result task return.    completion message :ctgin2076e: exception running wasthinclient method  task runconfigurationstep.  fndupgradepanelactionshandleinstall: verifyinputs method,  rc=-1 cmpmessage=ctgin2076e: exception running wasthinclient  method task runconfigurationstep. stderr=ctgin2286e:  error occurred while configuring websphere application  server thin client. error message ctgin2283e: exception  caught while connecting remote server. exception  com.ibm.tivoli.ccmdb.install.common.util.rxa.remotesystemexception:  com.ibm.tivoli.ccmdb.install.common.util.rxa.remotesystemexception:  remote system cannot reached using supported rxa protocols... stdout=  fndupgradepanelactionshandleinstall:  configuration of thin client not successful 

enter image description here

make sure mxserver on application server stopped first.

  1. extract fix pack c:\temp\ run installer.

  2. from command prompt, run:

    • c:\temp>set skipwasvalidation=yes (this create set variable skip websphere application server validation)

    • on same command prompt window run install.exe (or install_win64.exe x86-64).

  3. when run install.exe, run configuration step panel offer options:
    • check on copy files now, perform installation configuration step later
    • deploy application files manually later
    • defer update of maximo database

this complete install, deferring automated actions.

  1. at command prompt, change c:\ibm\smp\scripts folder , run:

taskrunner.bat continue stoponerror

  1. run updatedb.bat c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\maximo
  2. build , deploy maximo.ear (c:\ibm\smp\maximo\deployments\buildmaximoear.cmd)

source: ctgin2233e: websphere nodeagent not running


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