java - DELETE Request with Payload or Form Data causes Bad Request -

i building restful web service java jersey 2.17. client it. developing extjs 5.

my classes on service

 public class main  {     public static final string base_uri = "http://localhost:8080/app/rest/";     public static httpserver startserver() {         final resourceconfig rc = new resourceconfig();          rc.packages(true, "app");         rc.register(responsecorsfilter.class);          return grizzlyhttpserverfactory.createhttpserver(uri.create(main.base_uri), rc);     }      public static void main(final string[] args) throws ioexception {         final httpserver server = main.startserver();         system.out.println(string.format("jersey app started wadl available @ " + "%sapplication.wadl\nhit enter stop it...",                 main.base_uri));;         server.stop();     } }

@path("/user") public class usersri {     @delete     @path("/{id}")     @produces(mediatype.application_json)     public string deleteuser(@pathparam("id") final string id) {         final string res = "{\"success\":true,\"msg\":\"user " + id + " deleted.\"}";         return res;     } }

public class responsecorsfilter implements containerresponsefilter {      @override     public void filter(final containerrequestcontext req, final containerresponsecontext contresp) {          contresp.getheaders().add("access-control-allow-headers", "origin, x-requested-with, content-type, accept");         contresp.getheaders().add("access-control-allow-methods", "get, post, put, delete, options");         contresp.getheaders().add("access-control-allow-origin", "*");          final string reqhead = req.getheaderstring("access-control-request-headers");         if ((null != reqhead) && stringutils.isnotblank(reqhead)) {             contresp.getheaders().add("access-control-request-headers", reqhead);         }      }  } 

at moment stuck deleting content. on client record form panel , calling erase function. request/response looking this:

general:     remote address:     request url:http://localhost:8080/app/rest/user/user4     request method:delete     status code:400 bad request  response headers     connection:close     content-length:0     date:tue, 14 apr 2015 19:26:05 gmt  request headers     accept:*/*     accept-encoding:gzip, deflate, sdch     accept-language:de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,en;q=0.4     connection:keep-alive     content-length:14     content-type:application/json     host:localhost:8080     origin:http://localhost     referer:http://localhost/app/     user-agent:mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/41.0.2272.118 safari/537.36     x-requested-with:xmlhttprequest  request payload     {"id":"user4"} 

on console see xmlhttprequest cannot load http://localhost:8080/app/rest/user/user4. no 'access-control-allow-origin' header present on requested resource. origin 'http://localhost' therefore not allowed access. response had http status code 400.

it reproduceable following jquery.ajax() call: $.ajax({method:'delete',url:"http://localhost:8080/app/rest/user/user4",data:{"id":"user4"}})

sending request without form data or payload working.

is there way solve without overriding stuff in extjs framework?


delete, get requests should not have payload (entity body). don't know if specified anywhere, can see discussion here.

that's what's causing 400 bad request(will occur also). rid of it, , work. anyway there not need send body, are, information id, included in in url path.

if that's example, , need send other arbitrary information along request, use query params, e.g.

 /app/rest/user/user4?some=value1&other=value2&data=value3   public string deleteuser(@pathparam("id") final string id,                           @queryparam("some") string some,                           @queryparam("other") string other,                           @queryparam("data") string data) {} 

with jquery, do

var params = {     some:"valeu1",     other:"value2",     data:"value3" }  var encoded = $.param(params); var url = baseurl + "?" + encoded; $.ajax({     url: url,     ... }) 


so after investigation, seems grizzly problem. i've tested jetty, , works fine.

see similar issue

  • here - last comment says it's fixed, can't produce working example
  • here

update 2

so @alexey stated in comment below

you're right, grizzly default doesn't allow payload http methods, http spec doesn't explicitly state that. http get, delete, head. can switch support on calling: httpserver.getserverconfiguration().setallowpayloadforundefinedhttpmethods(true)‌​; please not method should called before starting httpserver

so fix like

public static httpserver createserver() {     final resourceconfig rc = new resourceconfig();     rc.packages(true, "app");     rc.register(responsecorsfilter.class);      httpserver server = grizzlyhttpserverfactory.createhttpserver(                                uri.create(base_uri), rc, false);     server.getserverconfiguration().setallowpayloadforundefinedhttpmethods(true);     return server; }  public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {     final httpserver server = createserver();     server.start();     system.out.println(string.format("jersey app started wadl available @ "             + "%sapplication.wadl\nhit enter stop it...", base_uri));;     server.stop(); } 

tested , works expected.


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