ruby on rails - Gem dependency hell installing redmine with CRM plugins -

i installing clean redmine 3.0 crm plugin on fresh install of ubuntu server 14.04lts. succeeded redmine , minor plugin, crm 1 has hit me this:

# bundle install --without development test rails_env=production don't run bundler root. bundler can ask sudo if needed, ,  installing bundle root break application non-root  users on machine.  warning: gemfile contains multiple primary sources. using `source` more once without block security risk, , may result in installing  unexpected gems. resolve warning, use block indicate gems  should come secondary source. upgrade warning error, run  `bundle config disable_multisource true`. fetching gem metadata fetching version metadata resolving dependencies... bundler not find compatible versions gem "i18n":   in gemfile:     rails (= 4.2.0) ruby depends on       actionpack (= 4.2.0) ruby depends on         activesupport (= 4.2.0) ruby depends on           i18n (~> 0.7) ruby      money (~> 5.1.0) ruby depends on       i18n (~> 0.6.0) ruby 

i installed i18n 0.6.0 , 0.7.0, didn't fix:

# gem list --local | grep i18n i18n (0.7.0, 0.6.0) 

i tried removing gemfile.lock , using bundler (bundle update && bundle install) again, same result.

i have no idea how proceed issue. know little of ruby, gems , bundler , searching has failed me. help, please.

you can't use crm plugin redmine 3 right now.

at time of writing, plugin compatible redmine 2.x. while plugin updated authors, not yet compatible redmine 3.0.

generally, should not expect plugins magically continue work across major version updates. when there major update recently, many plugins not yet compatible new redmine version. if need plugins, might able use older version, e.g. redmine 2.6, until plugins need updated.

you have check if plugin compatible redmine version intend use.


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