unit testing - How to avoid the 'Error: Unexpected request: GET' every time an AngularJS test does a rootScope.digest() or httpBackend.flush() -

all unit tests, not e2e tests, explicit rootscope.digest() or httpbackend.flush() flush asynchronous callback, experience error:

how avoid 'error: unexpected request: get' no more request expected 

i reckon because httpbackend calls ui-router template. don't know why wants so. i'm not asking this. want call mocked json service.

this error forces me have following statement in each it() block:


there must neater way.

specially if test has no use of $httpbackend in first place:

  it('should return list of searched users', function() {     // use statement avoid error $http service making request application main page     $httpbackend.whenget(/\.html$/).respond('');      var users = null;     userservice.search('toto', 1, 10, 'asc', function(data) {       users = data.content;     });     $rootscope.$digest();     expect(users).toequal(restservice.allusers.content);   }); 

the test passes looks hackish. or noobish :-)

edit: test:

  it('should return list of users', function () {     // use statement avoid error $http service making request application main page     $httpbackend.whenget(/\.html$/).respond('');     // create mock request , response     $httpbackend.expectget(env.nitro_project_rest_url + '/users/1').respond(mockeduser);     // exercise service     var user = null;     restservice.user.get({userid: 1}).$promise.then(function(data) {       user = data;     });     // synchronise     $httpbackend.flush();     // check callback data     expect(user.firstname).toequal(mockeduser.firstname);     expect(user.lastname).toequal(mockeduser.lastname);   }); 

this design, tests should checking http calls being made , they're requesting correct url. instead of checking whether requests made /\.html$/ why not instead check whether requests made correct endpoints? whether directives partial or api call.

if insist on throwing away useful test, move whenget() beforeeach().


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