ios - ViewController as Overlay on MapView in Swift (like Google Maps Application User Interface) -
i'm building small app swift want achieve following: - mapview several annotations - click on 1 of annotations shows details in overlay moving in bottom , fill approx. half of screen - upper half of display still shows mapview. click on map closes details
now i've read lot different possibilities. first i've tried using containerview this:
@iboutlet weak var detailscontaineryposition: nslayoutconstraint! func mapview(mapview: mkmapview!, didselectannotationview view: mkannotationview!) { uiview.animatewithduration(0.3, delay: 0.0, options: uiviewanimationoptions.curveeaseout, animations: { self. detailscontaineryposition.constant = 0 self.view.layoutifneeded() }, completion: nil) }
the problem was, viewdidload() method fired once , wanted use build details page after passing data controller class.
so next i've played around custom segue , cam this:
class detailssegue: uistoryboardsegue { override func perform() { // assign source , destination views local variables. var mapview = self.sourceviewcontroller.view uiview! var detailsview = self.destinationviewcontroller.view uiview! // screen width , height. let screenwidth = uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds.size.width let screenheight = uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds.size.height // specify initial position of destination view. detailsview.frame = cgrectmake(0.0, screenheight, screenwidth, 140) // access app's key window , insert destination view above current (source) one. let window = uiapplication.sharedapplication().keywindow window?.insertsubview(detailsview, abovesubview: mapview) // animate transition. uiview.animatewithduration(0.4, animations: { () -> void in detailsview.frame = cgrectoffset(detailsview.frame, 0.0, -140) }, completion: nil) } }
this seems better solution because send data new controller within prepareforsegue() function , viewdidload() method fired every time segue initiated i'm struggling: - everytime annotation clicked , segue called, new view inserted. if 1 detail view visible, update 1 - can't find way unwind segue when diddeselectannotationview called mapview.
but perhaps here has better way achieve ui this.
i've managed wanted manually adding viewcontroller , view this:
let detailswidth: cgfloat = view.bounds.width let detailsheight: cgfloat = 150 let detailsviewframe: cgrect = cgrectmake(0, view.bounds.height, detailswidth, detailsheight) detailscontroller = storyboard?.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("details") as! detailsviewcontroller detailscontroller.descriptiontext = "i'm text passed mainviewcontroller" self.addchildviewcontroller(detailscontroller) detailscontroller.view.frame = detailsviewframe view.addsubview(detailscontroller.view) detailscontroller.didmovetoparentviewcontroller(self)
and when dismissing details, remove controller this:
i created small sample demonstrate solution:
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