swift - Missing required module 'CocoaLumberjack' in iOS 8 app / framework -
i'm having problem integrating cocoa pod (cocoalumberjack
in case) ios app , own frameworks.
the podfile
looks this:
source 'https://github.com/cocoapods/specs.git' platform :ios, "8.0" target "commonmodule" use_frameworks! # cocoalumberjack wasn't officially released swift support yet # pod 'cocoalumberjack' pod 'cocoalumberjack', :git => 'git@github.com:cocoalumberjack/cocoalumberjack.git', :commit => '6882fb5f03696247e394e8e75551c0fa8a035328' xcodeproj 'commonmodule/commonmodule.xcodeproj' end
i have hierarchy of modules (dynamic frameworks) this:
(has dependencycommonmodule
and finally, main app:
(dependency bothmodelsmodule
now, cocoalumberjack
used in several files in commonmodule
, works expected. however, every time import commonmodule
in file in modelsmodule
, following compile error:
~/developer/modelsmodule/modelsmodule/somefile.swift:2:8: error: missing required module 'cocoalumberjack' import commonmodule ^
any idea how solve issue?
update: some people recommend use carthage. avoid that, if possible.
i assuming commonmodule swift , using cocoapods 0.36 see calling use_frameworks!
. i'm assuming you're using obj-c version of cocoalumberjack, , trying use swift. use_frameworks!
flag tells cocoapods generate frameworks of pods linking in xcode project. need @ top of class
import cocoalumberjack
instead of using swift-bridging-header
here blog post on cocoapods.org talk how author pod new use_frameworks!
flag. scroll down part common header pitfalls
it podspec creates dependency use cocoalumberjack, , when linked project cocoalumberjack , commonmodules, common module not referencing correctly in library. past need refer framework when import objective-c library
#import <cocoalumberjack/cocoalumberjack.h>
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