vb.net - Visual studio: ERROR: Parameter ?_1 has no default value -
i'm having problems piece of code i'm working on, i've searched around , can't seem find thing can me!
public class customercontroller
public const connection_string string = _ "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=assignment.accdb" public sub insert(byval htdata hashtable) dim oconnection oledbconnection = new oledbconnection(connection_string) try debug.print("connection string: " & oconnection.connectionstring) oconnection.open() dim ocommand oledbcommand = new oledbcommand ocommand.connection = oconnection ocommand.commandtext = _ "insert customer (title, gender, firstname, lastname, phone, address, email, dob) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" ocommand.parameters.add("title", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("gender", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("firstname", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("lastname", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("phone", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("address", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("email", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters.add("dob", oledbtype.varchar, 255) ocommand.parameters("title").value = cstr(htdata("title")) ocommand.parameters("gender").value = cstr(htdata("gender")) ocommand.parameters("firstname").value = cstr(htdata("firstname")) ocommand.parameters("lastname").value = cstr(htdata("lastname")) ocommand.parameters("phone").value = cstr(htdata("phone")) ocommand.parameters("address").value = cstr(htdata("address")) ocommand.parameters("email").value = cstr(htdata("email")) ocommand.parameters("dob").value = cstr(htdata("dob")) ocommand.prepare() debug.print("sql: " & ocommand.commandtext) ocommand.executenonquery() debug.print("the record inserted.") 'if error has occurred, show error message inform user record not inserted catch ex exception debug.print("error: " & ex.message) msgbox("an error occurred. record wasn't inserted.") oconnection.close() end try end sub
end class
when enter data insert database message "error: parameter ?_1 has no default value" appreciate if me!! thanks!!!
try this. if doesn't work, there might column in database requires value none supplied or may missing query. also, it's employ using blocks automatically dispose of objects such connections , commands.
public const connection_string string = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=assignment.accdb" public sub insert(htdata hashtable) try using cn = new oledbconnection(connection_string) cn.open() using cmd = new oledbcommand("insert customer (title, gender, firstname, lastname, phone, address, email, dob) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", cn) cmd.parameters .addwithvalue("title", htdata("title")) .addwithvalue("gender", htdata("gender")) .addwithvalue("firstname", htdata("firstname")) .addwithvalue("lastname", htdata("lastname")) .addwithvalue("phone", htdata("phone")) .addwithvalue("address", htdata("address")) .addwithvalue("email", htdata("email")) .addwithvalue("dob", htdata("dob")) end cmd.executenonquery() end using end using debug.print("the record inserted.") 'if error has occurred, show error message inform user record not inserted catch ex exception debug.print("error: " & ex.message) msgbox("an error occurred. record wasn't inserted.") end try end sub
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