Calling apps script function from drive UI -

i implemented function operates on file object in google drive(*). long story short: function dosomething(file) { ... } exists (in standalone google apps script) , tested.

i want call drive ui, e.g. using context menu -> open ... (but sensible means ok).

is there straightforward way achieve this? prefer not go through 'registering app in chrome store' whole shebang when need glorified macro myself.

i finished listening comes closest far seems skip technical details of need.

(*) there rather frustrating repetitive per-file workflow within organization whereby 1 needs switch write accesses read-only, assign ownership given user change own rights read-only.

this can absolutely done in apps script. there bit of set-up. video posted 1 used figure out. when app attached drive ui registered mime-types have app in right-click menu.

i made barebones framework highly commented process. shows how handle cases of being installed chrome store , called launched chrome/chrome app launcher. can make copy of here:

*note: assumes bit of apps script familiarity. '13 io videos first intro apps script i'm not bad going.


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