ios - Obj-C get JSON key name -

hi trying create link between php , ios, , using json. although json array strange, not creator, in closed api, cannot change it.

the json looks this:

{"success":true,"errors":[],"data":{"servers":{"6":"name here"}}} 

the 6 id of server, , other 1 name.

as can see key id , value name, how id in objective-c? know how receive server name, need find server id.

here current code:

nsdictionary *json = [[nsdictionary alloc] init];     nserror *error;     json = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:_responsedata options:kniloptions error:&error];  nsdictionary *test = [datadict objectforkey:@"servers"]             nslog(@"%@", [test objectforkey:@"6"]); // server name (id of server 6) 

_responsedata json data received php script.

you like:

[test enumeratekeysandobjectsusingblock:^(nsstring* serverid, nsstring *servername, bool *stop) {     // process data here. }]; 


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