c# - Interop.OpcAutomation.dll not able to connect to Remote Opc server. Error : Access Denied -

i trying connect remote opc server client using c#. got interop.opcautomation.dll opc foundation , worked nicely local opc server, when comes connect remote opc server somehow shows access denied (hresult: 0x80070005 (e_accessdenied)).

here code:

this._reqserver = new opcserver(); this._reqserver.connect("opc.simaticnet.1", "machinename"); //here throws exception 

so here tried:

  1. configured permission in dcom in mycomputerproperties , opcenum.
  2. i checked third party clients such opcquickclient , can able access remote opc server same client, forces me come conclusion configuration @ server side ok.

so has tried make c# client can access remote opc server, please tell more needs done??

create local user on computer has same user name , password 1 on server. right click on visual studio , run using user.


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