c - Pointer Value in Struct Changing Without Reassigning -

i'm getting following output gdb:

(gdb) print tid->rvm $28 = (rvm_t) 0x605010 (gdb) step 306     rlog->entries[i].sizes[num - 1] = size; (gdb) step 307 } (gdb) print tid->rvm $29 = (rvm_t) 0x64 (gdb) print tid $30 = (trans_t) 0x607b50 

this code tid structure:

struct _trans_t {     rvm_t rvm;               int numsegs;            segment_t* segments; }; 

the rvm_t rvm struct containing metadata recoverable virtual memory pager.

i don't believe allowed post full function code happening, because university assignment, can see single line of code change occurs, rlog->entries[i].sizes[num - 1] = size;. there no reference value changed. have use ugly typedefing pointers structs thing. assignment submission server contains header file as-is , can't edit it.

my question heck can cause this. tid passed parameter function rvm_about_to_modify(trans_t tid, void *segbase, int offset, int size). struct member rvm never touched inside function , can see step sequence has address 0x605010, correct address, , 1 line later, without reference either tid struct or rvm member, pointer changes address 0x64. actual tid pointer has not changed. keeps address 0x607b50 throughout.

i'm complete @ loss here , can't figure out cause tid->rvm change value without ever being touched. can tell, 0x64 address of interrupt vector table entry keyboard status register. appreciated.


here's requested updates. value of 0, value of num 1, value of rlog 0x607b30. rlog->entries[0] entry changes data segment name "testseg", size 10000 bytes, updatesize 300 bytes, numupdates 1, , pointers arrays of offsets, sizes, , data. rlog->entries[0].sizes[0] 100. data pointer 0x6051f0.

since cannot post full code, cannot explain in detail. however, assertion "tid->rvm [changes] value without ever being touched" self-contradictory. can structure member tid->rvm not changed via structure pointer tid, by thread being debugged.

supposing structure not live in shared memory , process single-threaded, possible conclusion tid->rvm or partially aliased rlog->entries[i].sizes[num - 1]. is, memory left-hand side of second expression refers overlaps first refers. there several ways happen, among them:

  • the tid and/or rlog pointer points wrong place
  • the current value of i outside bounds of array rlog->entries
  • the expression num - 1 outside bounds of array rlog->entries[i].sizes

those no means possibilities, ones among can guessed limited amount of code presented.


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