debugging - How do I get Chrome Dev Tools to allow me to edit minified JavaScript in production? -

i need test fix, , production data failing (and tangled nest of foreign keys prevent copying data down test).

the javascript fix simple, 2 or 3 lines section_functions.min.js.

i open dev tools, click sources tab, drill down file... edit it. cntl+s, star disappears file's tab in dev tools.

i use web app's interface in such way altered function in file should invoked...

but in console, same error before , it's telling me exception on /js/section_functions.min.js (old):1 .

i know it's possible edit javascript live in fashion, , must doing boneheaded preventing using modified version. failing correctly?

there usefull trick, add sourcemap compressed js file can see , edit code in beauty way.

other way faster using {} buton in chrome tools in bottom of file in left of line , column number

when have looking can edit it.

good luck


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