java - Populate Array from Oracle Database -

i trying create db connection , populate array results. need populating "destinationitem[]" sql below.

// //  manual array works need populated db using below query , db connection info.     private destinationitem[] destinationresults = new destinationitem[]{             new destinationitem("58285", "dodge grand caravan"),             new destinationitem("57605", "dodge sx 2.0"),             new destinationitem("58265", "chrysler 300 touring")     };      public destinationitem[] getdestinationresults() {         return destinationresults;     }      public class destinationitem {         string destid;         string commdefid;          public destinationitem(string destid, string commdefid) {             this.destid = destid;             this.commdefid = commdefid;         } // getter/setter below  // end 

i need take db connection logic , populate "destinationitem[]" array above , need help.

//dbconnection public static arraylist<customerbean> getcustomer() {     try {         class.forname("oracle.jdbc.oracledriver").newinstance();          connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:", "blah", "blah");         preparedstatement ps = con.preparestatement("select destination_id, commdef_id blah.destination");          arraylist<customerbean> al = new arraylist<customerbean>();          resultset rs = ps.executequery();          boolean found = false;          while ( {             customerbean e = new customerbean();             e.setdestid(rs.getstring("destination_id"));             e.setdestid(rs.getstring("commdef_id"));             al.add(e);             found = true;         }          rs.close();         if (found) {             return al;         } else {             return null; // no entires found         }     } catch (exception e) {         system.out.println("error in getcustomer() -->" + .getmessage());         return (null);     } } 

here's snippet should need:

list<destinationitem> destinationslist = new arraylist<destinationitem>();  while ( {     destinationslist.add(new destinationitem(         rs.getstring("destination_id"), rs.getstring("commdef_id"))); } rs.close();  // if need convert list array, can this: destinationitem[] destinationsarray = destinationslist.toarray(                                           new destinationitem[destinationslist.size()]); 

some considerations:

it easiest use dynamic data structure such list retrieving data resultset, because way don't need care number of rows returned db before iteration.

it considered best practise never return null methods return lists (like getcustomer() method). if no data found, return empty list. make client code simpler when null checks not needed.

you should close connection con , preparedstatement ps resources open in method. common idiom have structure in data-accessing methods:

connection con = null; preparedstatement ps = null; try {     // initialize , use 'con' , 'ps' } {     if (ps != null) {         ps.close();     }     if (con != null) {         con.close();     } } 

if on java 7 or above, can same in more elegant way try-with-resources statement.

finally, instead of catch (exception e), should consider either throwing possible (checked) sqlexception method, or if not want change method signature, wrapping sqlexception runtimeexception. in general, should not catch exceptions cannot (or not) handle in method. in these cases, it's better let problem bubble client code instead of silently ignoring it.


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