angularjs - How do I test if a promise was resolved or rejected using Jasmine? -

i have function calls api service. want mimic case network call failed , rejects promise.

the method (in coffeescript):

find: (collection, query)   deferred = $q.defer   $ config.server + "/api/v1/find/#{collection}", {}   .success (result, status, headers, config) ->     deferred.resolve result   .error (result, status, headers, config) ->     deferred.reject result    deferred.promise 

i understand how setup successful condition:

it "should make request correct url", () ->   $httpbackend.expectpost(server+"/api/v1/find/foo").respond(200)   entitysvc.find "foo", {}   $httpbackend.flush 

1) should testing failure of network call or should tested service designer, if so, how check if promise rejected?

2) expectpost assertion testing proper url being built , called input, in previous question, don't know deferred being resolved. how can accomplish this?


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