c# - ActiveX component can't create object? .NET COM -

i trying reference .net com library in visual basic 6 application. have registered it, using regasm , have set comvisible true within class. when try run application following error:

activex component can't create object.

my library consists of simple function (since wanted test if run it), returns string "hello world".

i had use different machine (machine 1) create c# .net class , copy class onto machine (machine 2) , there register dll , reference in project. tested project on separate machine (machine 3) received error.

i need this, have tried un-register , re-register , still no avail.

try this.

from elevated command prompt:

  1. regasm /codebase /tlb assemblyname.dll. take note of .tlb file generated.
  2. regtlib file.tlb
  3. open vb6 project , reference .tlb file.


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