Confusion about Linux/Redhat source rpm -

i have following 2 packages installed on redhat enterprise 7.0 instance

bind-license-9.9.4-14.el7_0.1.noarch bind-libs-lite-9.9.4-14.el7_0.1.x86_64 

the "repoquery -i" command tells me source rpm of these packages bind.

repoquery -i bind-license-9.9.4-14.el7_0.1.noarch  name        : bind-license version     : 9.9.4 release     : 14.el7_0.1 architecture: noarch size        : 26019 packager    : red hat, inc. <> group       : applications/system url         : repository  : rhel-7-server-rpms summary     : license of bind dns suite source      : **bind-9.9.4-14.el7_0.1.src.rpm** description : contains license of bind dns suite. 

similarly if use yum downloader download source rpms of above 2 packages bind source rpm (bind-9.9.4-14.el7_0.1.src.rpm) downloaded.

however if try update bind here get

yum update bind loaded plugins: product-id, subscription-manager package(s) bind available, not installed. **no packages marked update** 

my question why repoquery , yumdownloader reporting bind-9.9.4-14.el7_0.1.src.rpm source rpm. if bind correct source rpm why "yum update bind" saying bind not installed on system?

the source-rpm builds several packages same sources. spec-file has these directives (with intervening content), declare packages built (in addition default bind package):

%package pkcs11 %package sdb %package libs-lite %package libs %package license %package utils %package devel %package lite-devel %package chroot %package sdb-chroot 

that is, "bind-" prefixes each of corresponding names used in %package directives in resulting packages.

the spec-file has conditional logic can turned on scripts; bind-sdb-chroot package instance inside conditional block using sdb symbol. in spec-file symbols drive logic in header:

%{?!sdb:       %global sdb       1} %{?!test:      %global test      0} %{?!bind_uid:  %global bind_uid  25} %{?!bind_gid:  %global bind_gid  25} %{?!gsstsig:   %global gsstsig   1} %if 0%{?rhel} %{?!pkcs11:    %global pkcs11    0} %else %{?!pkcs11:    %global pkcs11    1} %endif %{?!devel:     %global devel     1} %global        bind_dir          /var/named %global        chroot_prefix     %{bind_dir}/chroot %if %{sdb} %global        chroot_sdb_prefix %{bind_dir}/chroot_sdb %endif 

so, if download source-rpm , build it, or of packages, depending upon command-line options gave.


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