cuda - what does the last parameter mean for cudaHostGetDevicePointer -

most explanations of last parameter is"flags extensions (must 0 now)".link here:

so mean? me providing code explanations?

the current documentation cudahostgetdevicepointer here.

from documentation:

flags provides future releases. now, must set 0.

that means placeholder. in future cuda release (beyond cuda 7.0), there may use value. doesn't cause behavioral change, still required specify zero. specifying 0 should enable compatibility (no behavioral change) in future cuda release, if non-zero values result in difference in behavior.

regarding use of the cudahostgetdevicepointer function:

it used zero-copy mapped memory, accessible both host , device. access device, need device pointer, may different host pointer in non-uva environment. function provides device pointer associated allocated/pinned/mapped host pointer.

here usage example.


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