javascript - Where is the Configure function for the Express module in EasyRTC -

i'm new nodejs , maybe i'm putting cart before horse here, attempting run demo of easyrtc using nodejs.

the easyrtc download page has "easy install instructions" list of actions perform run easyrtc out of box.

i encountered problem second last step - run server.js - upon attempting run receive error claiming httpapp.configure() function not exist (typeerror: undefined not function). now, httpapp defined require("express");, went on every file within /node_modules/express/lib and, error suggests, there no configure function defined anywhere...

so, me being complete n00b , not knowing i'm doing? followed of steps in example - , aren't obtuse instructions.

  1. download , install node.js
  2. download easyrtc , place anywhere want
  3. get easyrtc dependencies using npm
  4. run easyrtc's server.js

    • (i skipped on "create folder" , "navigate folder" steps here because... c'mon)

am supposed manually create configure function express module? , if so, why claim runs "out of box"?

you shouldn't add function in express, function(configure) removed in express 4.

solution , go package.json file , change json follow, express "*" "3.x" , run npm install , run server

"dependencies" : {     "easyrtc"   : "*",     "express"   : "3.x",      "" : "*" }, 


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