ssh - How to enable or browse web service running on EC2 on local machine? -
i have ec2 instance has port forwarding enabled emr cluster. ganglia monitoring service running on emr. able browse ganglia ec2 instance following using "text browser" lynx.
lynx http://localhost:5000/ganglia
however, want access service local machine ( mac yosemite ). did research , found need x11 port forwarding. have x11 port forwarding enabled.
echo $display
gives me following on ec2 instance
i able run "xclock" , launches clock on local machine.
i tried ssh ec2 instance syntax .
ssh -c -c blowfish -n -l:1050:myec2server:5000 myuser@myec2server
then if type in google chrome message saying no data received.
can point out going wrong ? tried verbose log local machine ec2 instance , has following message -
channel 2: open failed: connect failed: connection refused
in short, want able see ganglia local machine. appreciated.
i tested ssh command line own laptop (mac yosemite) , following works
ssh -n -l:1050:localhost:5000 username@public-dns-of-ec2-instance
after connected, verified using: http://localhost:1050/ganglia.
in command line above, may need replace myec2server localhost or
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