Vertical Scrolling - Add content below visible area and Design UI - Windows Phone 8.1 XAML C# -

i want add vertical scroll-able content page.

i have split vertical space using 5 grid heights of 300 pixels each , added scroll viewer , works fine.

the problem visual studio shows 2 grid heights in xaml visual editor, , remaining 3 goes bottom , nothing visible.

however, if designate items remaining grids using xaml code, in place.

how view them in visual editor , design ui?


there might better way, post workaround below.

in <page> specify maximum design height so:

<page     x:class="your_class.mainpage"     xmlns=""     xmlns:x=""     xmlns:local="using:your_class"     xmlns:d=""     xmlns:mc=""     mc:ignorable="d"     background="{themeresource applicationpagebackgroundthemebrush}"     d:designheight="2000">  

the key thing : d:designheight="your_height"

then can force draw "hidden" content, looks kinda ugly.

for example:

<grid>     <scrollviewer>     <grid height="2000">         <grid.rowdefinitions>             <rowdefinition height="200*"/>             <rowdefinition height="200*"/>             <rowdefinition height="200*"/>             <rowdefinition height="200*"/>             <rowdefinition height="200*"/>         </grid.rowdefinitions>          <grid grid.row="4" background="red">             <border background="red" height="200" width="200" ></border>         </grid>     </grid>     </scrollviewer> </grid> 

will result in

enter image description here


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