database - Alternative method to save data than my.settings for VB.Net -

i need save approximately 1600 different pieces of information windows forms application.

what best way go this? example of user settings measuringitem1name, measuringitem1equation, measuringitem1enabled, measuringitem1offset, measuringitem2name...

i have looked my.settings, however, found tedious , error prone type out every user setting.

it seems best solution have type of table can access each individual cell , edit information.

does exist? if so, how implemented

i'd recommend creating class properties hold settings. mark class serializable. serialize , deserialize instance of class application startup / shutdown user's profile directory. allow have typed settings save separately per user if ever need option. allow set default values settings.

you can make "settings" class deep want, properties made of other sub setting classes or lists of settings index. it's powerful pattern.

for example:

settings.measuringitem(1).enabled = true settings.measuringitem(1).equation = "1+1" settings.measuringitem(1).offset = 15  settings.measuringitem(2).enabled = true settings.measuringitem(2).equation = "1+1" settings.measuringitem(2).offset = 15 

settings main settings class generic.list(of measuringitem) property on it. measuingitem class .enabled boolean, .equation string , etc properties on it.

i haven't checked errors. want lot more safety checking, should started.

<serializable> public class settings      public sub new()         _measuringitems = new list(of measuringitem)     end sub      private _measuringitems list(of measuringitem)     public readonly property measuringitems list(of measuringitem)                     return _measuringitems         end     end property      public sub save()         using s new io.filestream("path save", io.filemode.create)              dim formatter new system.runtime.serialization.formatters.binary.binaryformatter             formatter.serialize(s, me)         end using     end sub      public shared function load() settings         dim settings settings = nothing          using s new io.filestream("path load",              dim formatter new system.runtime.serialization.formatters.binary.binaryformatter             settings = ctype(formatter.deserialize(s), serverhost.settings)         end using         return settings     end function   end class  <serializable> public class measuringitem     public property enabled boolean = true 'these default values     public property equation string = "1+1"     public property offset integer = 15 end class 

a quick example of usage:

    'create new settings instance 100 measuring items     dim settings1 settings = new settings     integer = 1 100         settings1.measuringitems.add(new measuringitem)     next     settings1.measuringitems(0).enabled = false     settings1.measuringitems(5).equation = "testing"      'save      'load saved settings     dim settings2 settings = settings.load 


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