java - Extraction of subsequences that end with point and space by regular expression -

hy want extract sub sentences of sentence regular expression:

it learn od fg network layout. kdsjhuu ddkm networ.12kfdf. learndfefe layout. learn sdffsfsfs. sddsd learn fefe.

i couldn't write correct regular expression pattern.compile.

this expression:([^(\\.\\s)]*)([^.]*\\.)

actually, need way writing "read everthing except \\.\\s

sub sentences:

  • it learn od fg network layout.
  • kdsjhuu ddkm networ.12kfdf.
  • learndfefe layout.
  • learn sdffsfsfs.
  • sddsd learn fefe.

just split string regex "\\. "

 string[] arr= str.split("\\. "); 


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