coldfusion - finding a way to replace images to proper url's -

i getting contents website: images coming as: /images/abc.gif, doing is attaching website url , giving me network error: here example of this

"networkerror: 404 not found -" headcont.gif "networkerror: 404 not found -" newdetails.gif "networkerror: 404 not found -" 

i using code replace of images

<cfset lnk = replace(lnk,'"/images/sym_s_up.gif"','""','all')> 

but above doing image specify, how can write kind of single code searches /images , replace them url irrespective of image name have specify

remove actual image name , search consistent string

<cfset lnk = replace(lnk,'/images/','','all')> 

you take approach of replacing <img src="/images , replacing full url.


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