ios - Spritekit: move SKSpritekitNode in arc with SKPhysicsBody -

i'm trying move skspritenode in arc physics in spritekit so: enter image description here

but unsure physic should apply (applyimpulse, applyforce, applytorque).

currently using applytorque, code not work, , produces no movement on object:

_boy.physicsbody.velocity = cgvectormake(1, 1); cgvector thrustvector = cgvectormake(0,100); [_boy.physicsbody applytorque:(cgfloat)atan2(_boy.physicsbody.velocity.dy, _boy.physicsbody.velocity.dx)]; 

applytorque not right method this. torque twisting force causes node rotate around center point.

there no 1 easy command looking do. fail mention method of movement node. apply force, impulse, etc... going have come hack one.

the sample project below looking , point in right direction. going have modify code suit specific project's needs though.

tap/click screen once start moving node , tap/click screen second time start 90 degree movement change.

#import "gamescene.h"  @implementation gamescene {     int touchcounter;     bool changedirection;     skspritenode *node0; }  -(void)didmovetoview:(skview *)view {     self.backgroundcolor = [skcolor whitecolor];      node0 = [skspritenode spritenodewithcolor:[skcolor graycolor] size:cgsizemake(50, 50)];     node0.position = cgpointmake(150, 200);     node0.physicsbody = [skphysicsbody bodywithrectangleofsize:node0.size];     node0.physicsbody.affectedbygravity = no;     [self addchild:node0];      touchcounter = 0;     changedirection = no; }  -(void)update:(cftimeinterval)currenttime {     if(changedirection)         [self changemovement]; }  -(void)touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event {     touchcounter++;      (uitouch *touch in touches) {         if(touchcounter == 1)             [node0.physicsbody applyimpulse:cgvectormake(25, 0)];         if(touchcounter == 2)             changedirection = yes;     } }  -(void)changemovement {     if(node0.physicsbody.velocity.dy<200) {         [node0.physicsbody applyimpulse:cgvectormake(-0.1, 0.1)];     } else {         changedirection = no;         node0.physicsbody.velocity = cgvectormake(0, node0.physicsbody.velocity.dy);     }  } 


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