unit testing - Specflow BeforeScenario been called four times -
i have solution contains set of tests can run using nuints. trying integrate specflow it:
[testfixture] [binding] public class testbase { protected iwindsorcontainer container {get; set; } protected imongocollectionmanager collectionmanager { get; set; } protected idatabasemanager databasemanager { get; set; } [testfixturesetup] [beforescenario,clscompliant(false)] public void setup() { container = testfixture.container; collectionmanager = container.resolve<imongocollectionmanager>(); databasemanager = container.resolve<idatabasemanager>(); } [testfixtureteardown] public void teardown() { container.release(collectionmanager); container.release(databasemanager); } }
everytime run feature file has 1 scenario executes before tests 4 times, before goes given of scenario when run using simple nuint works correctly , gets called once. can 1 me figure out why please? thanks, bijo
since automatically wired specflow, shouldn't need these nunit attributes in step class:
[testfixture] [testfixturesetup] [testfixtureteardown]
i not sure how many scenarios have in feature, beforescenario run before each scenario. if want code run once before or after feature can use these hooks:
[beforefeature] [afterfeature]
if want code run once before or after each scenario in feature can use these hooks:
[beforescenario] [afterscenario]
also, if need clscompliant(false) on method, should add own attribute:
you can check out specflow docs more information on specflow hook attributes on https://github.com/techtalk/specflow/wiki/hooks.
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