background - JavaFX2 : can not mix some "setStyle" on Pane -


on windows7 , jdk1.8.0_20, try display panes black border , given background color. using "setstyle" method that, following documentation problem code within testpane class. see below full running code :

package pane;  import javafx.application.application; import javafx.scene.scene; import javafx.scene.layout.borderpane; import javafx.scene.paint.color; import javafx.scene.text.text; import javafx.stage.stage;  public class borderpaneapp extends application {  public static void main(string[] args) {     launch(args); }  @override public void start(stage primarystage) {     primarystage.settitle("borderpane");      mainpane mainpane = new mainpane();      scene scene = new scene( mainpane, 400, 300,;      // layout     mainpane.prefheightproperty().bind(scene.heightproperty());     mainpane.prefwidthproperty().bind(scene.widthproperty());      primarystage.setscene(scene);;  }   public class mainpane extends borderpane{     public testpane toppane = new testpane("top", color.lightskyblue);     public testpane leftpane = new testpane("left", color.aqua);     public testpane bottompane = new testpane("bottom",;     public testpane centerpane = new testpane("center", color.lightblue);      public mainpane(){         this.settop(this.toppane);         this.setleft(this.leftpane);         this.setcenter(this.centerpane);         this.setbottom(this.bottompane);     } }  public class testpane extends borderpane {     public testpane(string name, color color){          // first style part - start          this.setstyle("-fx-border-color: #ffffff;");         this.setstyle("-fx-border-width: 1px;");         this.setstyle("-fx-border-style: solid;");         // first style part - end          // second style part - start          this.setstyle("-fx-background-color: " + color.tostring().replace("0x", "#") + ";");         // second style part - end          this.setcenter(new text(name));     } } } 

after tries, can not mix code :

        // first style part - start          this.setstyle("-fx-border-color: #ffffff;");         this.setstyle("-fx-border-width: 1px;");         this.setstyle("-fx-border-style: solid;");         // first style part - end 

with 1 :

        // second style part - start          this.setstyle("-fx-background-color: " + color.tostring().replace("0x", "#") + ";");         // second style part - end 

the last 1 seems take on first , not display it. first picture shows border line sets before background , second shows background sets before border line.

enter image description here enter image description here


how display both style together? cheers,


setstyle() setter method, not append..

you want combine styles 1 string:

setstyle("-fx-border-color: #ffffff;-fx-border-width: 1px;-fx-border-style: solid;-fx-background-color: " + color.tostring().replace("0x", "#") + ";"); 


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