c# - How to create a branch of TFS and copy the details of one branch to another branch -

scenario want copy of main branch details feature or release branch if pass path parameter in console application

string uri ="http://portnumber0/tfs/dev";  connectbycredentialsprovider connect = new connectbycredentialsprovider(); icredentials icred = new networkcredential(@"username", "pwd"); connect.getcredentials(new uri(uri), icred);  tfsteamprojectcollection tfsconnect =            new tfsteamprojectcollection(new uri(uri), connect); tfsconnect.ensureauthenticated(); versioncontrolserver versioncontrol = (versioncontrolserver)tfsconnect.getservice(typeof(versioncontrolserver)); string sourcepath = "$/project/main"; string destinationpath = "$/project/features";  versioncontrol.createbranchobject(new branchproperties                                  (new itemidentifier(sourcepath)));  int changesetid = versioncontrol.createbranch(      sourcepath, destinationpath,      versionspec.latest);  changeset changeset = versioncontrol.getchangeset(changesetid);  changeset.update(); 


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