ios - Segue to view with Navigation Controller -

my app has walkthrough @ start of it.

it vc1 -> vc2 -> vc3 custom segues between each vc.

the main view of app series of view controllers navigation controller.

nav controller (root view of) -> vc4 (main) -> vc5

the app delegate determines whether initial view controller vc1 or nav controller

my question how segue (or push) vc3 vc4 , have navigation controller work can push via navigation controller vc5? once app has segued vc4 never need go vc3.

the nav bar hidden in entire app.



create segue in between view controllers, not linked button, , set identifiers in storyboard different each one. can use code perform segues programmatically:

[self performseguewithidentifier:@"youridentifier" sender:self]; 

using this, can control , when segues happen. question can't discern what want do, hope helps.


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